Brainspotting Services

Feeling stuck in traditional therapy? Does it feel like you've tried everything and there's spots you just can't reach? Let's try taking a different approach...

What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting (BSP), developed by Dr. David Grand, is a powerful tool that uses focused mindfulness to identify relevant eye positions, from which we are able to access information to “unlock” our deepest healing potential. Making use of the natural phenomenon of- where you look affects how you feel- this rapid, highly effective mind-body centered therapy technique appears to go beyond cognitive awareness and connects you to your body’s innate wisdom to heal itself.

How Can it Help Me?

Brainspotting (BSP) is a therapeutic tool for everyone with a variety of issues including physical and emotional trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. If you are new to therapy and are looking for a way to change patterns of behavior, Brainspotting can help resolve the emotional and physical pain that keeps you stuck in those patterns. If you have been in therapy before, but have the sense that your work could go deeper, Brainspotting can take therapy to another level of healing. If you are uncomfortable with talking about your past traumatic experiences, this modality will enable you to heal without having to tell or retell your story.

Brainspotting can be used to regulate your nervous system, manage hyper-arousal (and other trauma-related symptoms), and cultivate self-compassion. It can also be utilized to enhance performance, unlock creativity, and explore Spirituality. The relationship between the BSP Client and highly attuned BSP Provider allows our systems to integrate and foster a state of “flow.”

Developer, Dr. David Grand, on Brainspotting...


If you are interested in exploring how Brainspotting can support your healing, this is a service that is available for mental health counseling clients and as a stand-alone service. Fees may be billable to your insurance provider or HSA utilizing your mental health benefits.

Individual Session– 55 min, $175

Hybrid Intensive Session– 120 min, $350 ( Brainspotting/Trauma-Conscious Yoga Method)